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"Tool of the Week: AI voice generator | [FakeYou ...] is a window into the future [...]. Play with it with a number of celebrity voices, including Judi Dench, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, and Bill Gates."

([FakeYou] allows users to use celebrities such as Bill Gates and Arnold Schwarzenegger to speak their favorite lines for free.)

"Have you ever wanted David Attenborough to narrate your audiobook? Judi Dench to read your shopping list? Gilbert Gottfried to... well... some things are better left unsaid."

"Un truco secreto de WhatsApp se acaba de volver tendencia en las redes sociales, sobre todo entre los fanáticos de Dragon Ball Super, debido a que permite que los usuarios puedan enviar audios con la voz de Gokú"
(A secret WhatsApp trick has just become a trend on social networks , especially among Dragon Ball Super fans , because it allows users to send audios with the voice of Goku)

We’ve previously seen apps like this, but [FakeYou] impresses with the sheer volume of voices available to test out.
"[Digital artist Glenn Marshall's recent project employs] a classic 19th-century poem as AI-imaging fuel alongside an uncanny narration from an artificial Christopher Lee. To make "In the Bleak Midwinter" even more, uh, bleak, Marshall then employed software called [FakeYou] to approximate a poetic narration in the voice of the late Sir Christopher Lee. [...] to be honest with you, we initially thought Marshall simply dubbed an old audio recording of Lee actually reading the poem, that's how convincing the result is."